Alumni Features 2020-2021
LAMP Alumnus Benjamin Londergan - Expert in Financial Technology
"Don’t think that where you are today is where you have to be tomorrow, or the next day"
LAMP Alumna Amna Yaqub - MD Candidate, Business in Medicine
“Explore your interests now, while you have the opportunity"
LAMP Alumnus Nathan Kong - MSIS Candidate, Business Technology Scholar
“The most important thing that LAMP gave me was the ability to think more critically, and analyze issues from every aspect. I can catch on to projects quickly, identify problems, and think about questions from many angles.”
LAMP Alumnus Carey Ransom - Helping Companies Start, Launch, and Grow
"LAMP fueled my curiosity, encouraged lifelong learning and built a confidence in me to continue to invest in myself on that journey.”
LAMP Alum Joanna Storey - Lawyer, Mentor, Writer
"Recognizing that each team member—no matter their title or position—had a role in your achievement is of paramount importance.”
"Once you find a place to start, just start. Next steps will appear soon enough."
LAMP Alum Ivana Chen - Account Manager at Google
Ivana loves that she has the ability to “think like an owner” and proactively bring ideas to the table.
LAMP Alum Caitlin Bitzegaio - TV Writer and Comedian
LAMPers are “all focused and ambitious, in 1000 different ways.”
LAMP Alum Julia Church Kozicki - Lawyer, Mayoral Candidate, and Jeopardy Champ
“The practice of law, whether private, public, or in-house requires broad knowledge of a wide range of topics and the curiosity to learn more.”
LAMP Alum Carol Nemeth Joven - Lawyer Extraordinaire
A career full of variety: “no two cases are alike”
LAMP Alum Eric Orme - Consultant, Legislative Assistant, Entrepreneur and Philanthropist
“Think about your career as ‘free learning’”